5 Ways to make the best impression on-line:


Whether you’re applying for jobs, looking for a date, or just trying to get more followers on Twitter.

What's the ideal number of Facebook friends? 302. That’s according to the folks at Psychology Today. They say a person’s appeal on Facebook drops off above and below 302 friends. That’s because people with too many friends appear to be focusing too much on Facebook – and people with too few friends seem unpopular and introverted.


Another way to manage your online impression? Google yourself. Especially before a job interview – because 35% of employers have come across things online that have made them not hire a candidate. Also, check out these two sites: SocialMention.com and SamePoint.com. Those two sites will let you search social networks for your name – which Google won’t.

Want to keep the friends you have on Facebook? Stay away from these two topics: religion and politics. According to the University of Colorado, those are the status update topics that are most likely to cause people to unfriend you.

Doing some online dating? Make sure your profile picture has you looking at the camera. Even when people looked friendly or flirtatious – but their gaze was directed off camera - they weren’t as popular. Also, straighten your hair. When a woman has straight hair, her profile gets twice as many views as woman with curly hair – even if it’s the same woman in both pictures! And even 20 out of 22 kids preferred pictures of women with straight hair. So get out the flat iron.



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