Alrighty now--a little something the J.J. Hemingway "Relationship Files."   Got a crush on someone...well---see if you can identify with this stuff!


Have you ever noticed how silly people start acting when they've "got it bad"?

Here are some of the dumbest "I have a crush" behaviors:

Showing up somewhere where you know your crush will be, but pretending you just bumped into them.

Reading your crush's horoscope.

Snooping on his Facebook page and his family's Facebook pages.

Practicing your signature with his last name.

Agreeing with everything he says, and developing interests solely because he's into them.

Over-rehearsing conversations and scenarios in the mirror ... with yourself.

Obsessing over him when he isn't around, but completely ignoring him when you are in the same place at the same time. (

Well---so are you "guilty" of any of these things, hmmmm...well, are you???


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