Hope everyone is enjoying their Memorial Day Weekend...time with friends, family, remembering the men and woman who sacrificed their lives for our freedom, and of course some serious grilling.    My favorites for grilling is of course steak, and I love bone-in pork chops, and I must say the ONLY thing I season my meat with is a little Lawry's Seasoned Salt.  It makes steaks and chops sooooooooo good.    According to the latest stats what are the most popular days to bar-b-cue and what are the post popular items on the grill???


The most popular holidays for barbecuing are:

July 4th − 71 percent

Memorial Day − 57 percent

Labor Day − 55 percent

 The most popular food for grilling:

Burgers − 85 percent

Steak − 80 percent

Hot dogs − 79 percent

Chicken − 73 percent

Most popular BBQ side dishes:

Corn − 41 percent

Potatoes − 41 percent

Other vegetables − 32 percent


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