According to the CDC, North Dakotans' are getting less sleep than our neighboring states published in a new report released this week. (2/19)

We've all heard you need at least 7 hours of sleep a night. This report concluded North Dakotans' are not in the majority of states that say they get that amount. 64.9% of Americans say they get 7 or more hours of sleep a night. South Dakota is one of the leading states with 71.6% of the residents saying they get as much sleep and Colorado is also in the top three with 71.5%. Minnesota came in third at 70.8%. Hawaiians are getting the least amount of sleep in the nation.

68.2 % of North Dakotans' said they snooze at least 7 hours of sleep a night. That amount still ranked better than most states.

You can see the entire list for every state here.

Other interesting facts from the survey concluded -

  • people over the age of 65 reported getting the most sleep
  • white and Hispanic people sleep longer than black and American Indian people
  • people with college degrees get more sleep than those without
  • 18-24 get the second most sleep after the 65+ demographic
  • 35-44 get the least amount of sleep

How much sleep are you getting?

Mark Makela / Getty Images
Mark Makela / Getty Images

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