Planning your retirement? You're in one of the best states for it!

According to Kiplinger, North Dakota ranks as the 4th best state to retire in. Based on financial factors, which include reasonable living costs and affordable healthcare options, and the fact that the state is economically healthy and a good fit for active residents at the age of 65 and over.

Kiplinger added the following overall statistics for North Dakota that helped its rating:

Population: 736,162

Share of population 65+: 14.2% (U.S.: 14.5%)

Cost of living: 1% above U.S. average

Average income for 65+ households: $46,763 (U.S.: $53,799)

Average healthcare costs for a retired couple: Below average at $414,455 (U.S.: $423,523)

The tax rating for retirees in North Dakota is also rated as 'Tax Friendly' thanks to the fact that income taxes are so low.

Our southern neighbors in South Dakota topped the list as the #1 best state to retire in. Affordability, low living expenses, along with being one of the top states that's the most tax-friendly for retirees helped earn South Dakota the top spot on this list.

But North Dakota is right near the top of the list. If retirement is in your near future, you're in a pretty great spot for it.

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