In life you only get to make one first impression and it's always good to make a great one---whether it's for a potential employer or impressing a woman on a first meeting or first date.   So guys---the next time you head out here in Bismarck-Mandan, looking for love, think about these ways you may be turning women off without realizing it.



Horrible, dirty shoes--yes women notice this stuff--BIG TIME!

Bad smells--shower before you head out!

Being wasted---being drunk and high---a BIG TURN OFF!

Negative attitude---be an optimist and be positive!

Cockiness--confident is one thing, but cockiness is another!

Embarrassing friends--you know those friends of yours that just don't have it together---you love 'em, but not when you're trying to meet someone special.

Lack of confidence--again confident, but NOT cocky!   (

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