John "J-Mart" Martin is a self-proclaimed geek, an adult LEGO aficionado, has mediocre musical abilities, is a Vault Hunter and is also currently trying to amass a collection of tabletop games and Magic: The Gathering cards. He's been writing most of his young life but first cut his video game writing teeth at Warp Zoned. Now he's rocking with the rolls at Arcade Sushi and wishes that he could view real life through a Retina display.
John Llewellyn Martin
Goats Balancing on Steel Ribbon will Mesmerize You
So these goats balancing on a flexible steel ribbon is a thing.
Watch Real People Participate in a Fake Torch Run
It's the middle of the day in Manhattan and a runner, all clad in white and holding a torch comes up to you, urging you to finish her run because she's injured. What do you do.
So Apparently Dumb Starbucks is a Thing
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but we don't know what to make of this new coffee shop called Dumb Starbucks.
What This Squirrel Tried to Do Had Us Cracking Up
Squirrels seem like they'd make awesome pets. They're cute, they're energetic and, sometimes, they do something hilarious, like what this squirrel attempts in this video.
You Won’t Believe What Made This Little Boy Cry
Something happened that drove this little boy to tears. And you'll never believe what it was.
Chevy’s “Life” Commercial Will Give You All Sorts of Feels
You might not expect the reason why this woman in Chevy's "Life" commercial is tearing up. But you'll probably do the same by the end of the video.
What Happened During the Super Bowl MVP’s Speech Surprised Us
Malcolm Smith of the Seattle Seahawks was named the Most Valuable Player of the Super Bowl. He was set to give a post-game speech, but then this happened.
The ‘Full House’ Dads Reunite on Jimmy Fallon
Get ready for nostalgia overload, because this clip from 'Late Night with Jimmy Fallon' features the guys from 'Full House' reprising their roles. Have mercy!
10 Ridiculously Cute Animals That Could Kill You
There are plenty of cute, cuddly creatures in nature that look like they'd be great sources of the warm and fuzzies. Unfortunately, a lot of those adorable animals can also kill you in the most hardcore of ways. Here are 10 Ridiculously Cute Animals That Could Kill You.
Seniors in Classic Movies Will Put a Smile on Your Face
Know what's great? The wisdom that elders can impart on the rest of us, culled from years of gaining knowledge and experience. Know what's even greater? When they dress up and reenact classic movies for a calendar.