In ND, Is It Legal To Do This In Your Own Backyard?
Yes I know, kind of a random morbid question that has stirred my curiosity...
...so now it's time to explore this with other people. Here is the scenario, let's say you just recently lost a loved one, like a great-grandfather. This man had spent his whole life LIVING life in and near his home. Never left town, went to work close by home, raised a whole family, and when his last breath was taken, passed away with loved ones close by, inside his home. So my line of thinking is "Can you bury your great-grandfather in your backyard?" - first of all I'm relatively certain you would need permission, but from whom? - AND you probably have to own the house outright, right?
Now it's time to do what one of the greatest inventions of all time was created for...
...any kind of serious or weird information you can pretty much rely on Google. I usually wind up clicking on this search vehicle at least 10 times a day. Here is what I typed in - "In North Dakota can you bury a family member on your property?" - Well according to nolo.com " Most bodies are buried in established cemeteries, but burial on private property may be possible with permission of the health department" Remember the part I mentioned earlier about needing permission? "If you want to establish a private cemetery, you must have the land surveyed and record the plat with the deed. Before proceeding with burial on private land, check with the county or town clerk for any zoning laws that may apply"
Lastly, I wasn't trying to be funny at all with this story, I know how important life is, and dealing with death is different for everyone - if people can heal by having a loved one buried close by, like in their own backyard, I completely get it.
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