A picture of pure joy...sunny skies, and over twenty fun-loving people pedaling their bikes all in a row...

...how much better can it be than that? Well check this out - next Wednesday - May 8th - the Bike To School Day ( Bike Bus Event ) is taking place. I love it that this event changes schools every year, getting more eager students involved. Here is some more information on this from a Bismarck News Release:

               Bike Bus Event Scheduled for Elk Ridge Elementary Student


"Bismarck leaders and staff are encouraging students to celebrate Bike to School Day by joining in a bicycling group activity.

Members of Bismarck-Burleigh Public Health, Bismarck Police Department, Bismarck Mandan Metropolitan Planning Organization and the Bicycle-Pedestrian Subcommittee are partnering with Safe Kids Bismarck-Mandan and Sanford Health will be participating in a Bike Bus on May 8. The Bike Bus, also known as a bike train, is a group of people who cycle together along a set route, following a set timetable.

“Building fun ways to add physical activity into your day is critical to sticking with a healthy lifestyle,” said BBPH Nutrition Services Program Coordinator Katie Johnke. “Participating in a Bike Bus checks all those boxes: there is the physical movement that almost any aged individual can participate in, there is a sense of community as you bike with others, and it is fun. Bike to School Day is a wonderful way to start your day off.”

Each year a different school is the focus of a Bike to School Day event. This year’s event will begin at the Elk Ridge Park parking lot (3620 Cogburn Road) and depart for the school at 8:10 AM. Helmets are required and will be available if any participant does not have one.

Bike to School Day is a national observance celebrating the joy of active commuting, while also building a sense of community. While the official celebration for this year falls on May 8, students are welcome to celebrate any day in May (Bike to School Month) that best fits their schedules"

If you have any questions about this event, you can call the City Of Bismarck Admin Office: (701) 355-1300

I can't think of a better way for the kids to all join in on a fun and healthy bike ride. 


LOOK: Record Fish Caught in Minnesota

Stacker compiled a list of fishing records in Minnesota from Land Big Fish.

Gallery Credit: Stacker