Hear that barking sound? Yup, that's the dog days of summer calling out to Minnesotans to enjoy the weather. Summer also means more knuckleheads out on area roads some on two wheels, others on four wheels. Recently a motorist in Chisago County was cited for reaching speeds of more than 100mph.

Freedom doesn’t include fast and furious. Even Ben Franklin would be frowning at this driver! When your driving puts other driver's safety at risk, it becomes our business to deal with it. This driver faced the consequences of his bad decisions.

Slow down. Obey the speed limit. Keep yourselves and others safe.

The picture from the Chisago County Sheriff's Office is a little tough to read but it shows that their radar gun caught the vehicle pulled over ahead of the squad car going 106 miles an hour.

Driving at this speed is SO dangerous on county roads and highways. Not only is it dangerous for other motorists on the road, but if something walks out onto the road in front of a car going that fast it could be fatal for not only what ever gets in the way of that car, but also the occupants of the vehicle.

So far in 2024, according to the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, there have been 205 road fatalities compared to 162 from one year ago. In fact, in 2023, the total number of deaths on Minnesota roads was 411, so we are at roughly the halfway point to last year's total.

Speaking of being out on Minnesota roads this holiday week, there are some new unmarked pick-ups on Minnesota roads enforcing distracted driving.

As dangerous driving habits continue to be a major problem on Minnesota roads, the Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is getting creative to help our law enforcement partners change those behaviors before they lead to a crash.

Image Credit: State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Website
Image Credit: State of Minnesota Department of Public Safety Website

OTS has awarded a total of $912,000 to law enforcement agencies to purchase 13 specialized pickup trucks, which will allow officers to conduct traffic enforcement from a higher vantage point. It will allow them a better view to see if drivers are distracted, not wearing their seat belt or engaging in other dangerous driving behaviors.

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