Keystone Is Biden’s #1 Target…Dakota Access Next?
An Associated Press headline really opened up some memories...
"Line 3 protesters chain themselves together in piece of pipe"
That happened just last Thursday in Northern Minnesota where protesters of Enbridge Energy Line 3 oil pipeline protesters pulled the old "chain yourself to something" routine. I thought back to some of the more indelible images from 2016's Dakota Access Pipeline protests were individuals using similar tactics. There's enough ugly memories for all sides in the #NoDAPL days. Well that was Thursday...now it's Monday, and I seem to be barraged with news stories that are saying that after being sworn in as President of the United States of America, Joe Biden's gonna grab a pen and cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline permit. So reports the failing New York Times.
The promise of the Keystone Pipeline was to deliver "oil" from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. President Obama cancelled the permit in 2015. President Trump reinstated the permit in 2017. Soon to be President Biden intends to cancel it again.
But is there any DAPL interest in Biden's DC?
Hard to say...it seems like Keystone is the easier target and according to E&E News Joe Biden has not been vocal on any plans he may have for the Dakota Access Pipeline. The pipeline is still in legal limbo as to making a proper environmental impact statement (EIS) and a President Biden would certainly be able to not permit the pipeline to run oil under the river.
Problem is Biden would loose the support of much of the state...just like in the 2020 election.
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