North Dakota has Escaped a Mass Shooting so Far in 2015
North Dakota has Escaped a Mass Shooting so Far in 2015
North Dakota has Escaped a Mass Shooting so Far in 2015
Editor’s Note: This article was, in no way, meant to encourage or challenge anyone into creating one of these horrifying situations. Its intent was purely to share some facts and statistics that show how we are handling serious situations in the state of North Dakota. This article was also not intended to downplay the horrors that these crimes create in the communities they are committed in. Our h
2015 Top Baby Names
2015 Top Baby Names
2015 Top Baby Names
It's that time of year again. Toward the end of every year, we're flooded with the top of the list for this and that. The best of everything and the worst. The most popular and the least popular. It is now time for the top baby names from 2015.