World Milk DayWorld Milk DayWish from Cool 98.7 and Jax from Hot 97.5 went out to Salem Sue to celebrate World Milk Day.Mark WishniaMark Wishnia
Salem Sue Gift Shop?Salem Sue Gift Shop?Anyone who knows me well, knows that I love Salem Sue. It is without a doubt my favorite spot in the Bismarck-Mandan vicinity.Mark WishniaMark Wishnia
Some Jerks Graffitied Salem Sue’s Udders and Legs This SummerSome Jerks Graffitied Salem Sue’s Udders and Legs This SummerIf you're looking for another reason why we simply can't have nice things, just look towards New Salem, where some jerks graffitied Salem Sue.Matt BinghamMatt Bingham
Morton County Fair BeginsMorton County Fair BeginsThe Morton County Fair is officially under way in New Salem.Mark WishniaMark Wishnia
Salem Sue SunsetSalem Sue SunsetSaturday night was gorgeous and Salem Sue took in the beautiful view.Mark WishniaMark Wishnia