The Best North Dakota Town for Trick or Treating is Surprisingly Random
When it comes to trick or treating, there are some places that are better than others.
For one thing, a neighborhood where the houses are close together is convenient. Nobody wants to walk a whole mile to get from one house to the next.
You also want to be in a neighborhood that has a lot of young kids. This allows the holiday to be more social. Plus, residents who live in neighborhoods where they know there are a lot of kids may put more effort into the holiday making it more enjoyable for the kids.
Other factors such as a neighborhood's crime rate and the amount of people who actually live in the homes in the neighborhood need to be taken into account as well.
With that being said, 24/7 Wall Street ranked the best neighborhoods to go trick or treating in, in every state.
24/7 Wall Street mostly just looked at the amount of children 14 or under, crime rate, and house occupancy percentages to come up with the rating.
For North Dakota, they say the best town for trick or treating is Lincoln. The town just outside of Bismarck has 3,093 people but the housing occupancy is apparently 100%. In other words, someone lives in all the homes there. No need to worry about walking up to an abandoned home.
The poverty rate in Lincoln is just 1.8%. According to 24/7 Wall Street, the average temperature in Lincoln on Halloween is 41 degrees. But we know that in North Dakota, it's snowed plenty of times on Halloween and it was definitely colder than 41.
The pressure is on residents of Lincoln. You better get some good candy and have some good decorations. The kids will be knocking on your door soon.