
Is Sgt. Bergdahl a Deserter?
Is Sgt. Bergdahl a Deserter?
Is Sgt. Bergdahl a Deserter?
The celebration quickly dampened for many as allegations emerged that released POW Bowe Bergdahl was a deserter, and that the Obama Administration violated the law in arranging his release.
Grand Forks Student Surprised
Grand Forks Student Surprised
Grand Forks Student Surprised
High school graduation is one of those signature moments in your life when having family around makes all the difference in the world. For one Grand Forks graduate, a surprise visit from her deployed father on graduation day took the day from bittersweet to quite possibly one of the best days of her life.
Moving Military Homecomings
Moving Military Homecomings
Moving Military Homecomings
The servicemen and women of our country make huge sacrifices to fight battles on our behalf and keep the freedoms we hold dear. One of those sacrifices is being away from their families and loved ones for long periods of time.

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