Another Computer Hack You Need To Know About
If you've flown Delta Airlines recently, you need to hear this. Delta has been struck with a cyber attack. It has almost become a weekly occurrence and it seems as though none of our information including banking and credit card information is safe on line.
According to KFYR-TV, the airline has confirmed they had a breach in their computer system last fall, and customers payment information could have been revealed. The attack happened last fall, and we're just hearing about it now? What the heck?
The date window of the breach was September 26th to October 12, and exposed payment information of some their customers during this time period. The airline says no other personal information was affected.
The reason for the delay announcement is, the company, (24)7.ai,which is a chat-services provider, informed Delta last week and Delta went public with this information to inform consumers.
Delta Airlines serves the Bismarck area.