Big Muddy Fishing Tour Results
Such an interesting competition that happens every year and this year was no different.
I was driving by the Broken Oar last weekend and was wondering if there was a concert in town because the place was packed! I then found out it was the Big Muddy Walleye tournament.
I was then glad I didn't go by because I'm not really into fish smell but was curious about the competition.
According to Dakota Country magazine ..Tyler Lacher Nick Brilz Michael Schaffner won the most fish competition with 639 pounds ... man, that's a lot! Those guys are going to make bank selling that fish to some restaurant.
The Biggest Fish winner was the team of Darrell Slag, Darrell Slag, Terry Allbee, Dion Winreng with a 13.861 pound Fish.
I wonder how many fish tales were told at that event. If you would like to see the full list you can do so on Dakotacountrymagazine.com. Congrats to everyone who participated