Bike Night A Little Light Due To The Opening Weekend Of Sturgis
It happens every year when rally rolls around, Bike Night at Sickies Garage is a little light on turn out especially since Sturgis is closer to Bismarck than other areas of the country.
Nevertheless, Bike Night had a decent turnout with close to 120 bikes on site.
The weather was outstanding, and most attendees want to get that punch on their card which serves as an entry into the grand prize drawings on August 22nd.
It's hard to imagine June and July are behind us. It seems as though June and July lasted only 5 minutes and here we are weeks away from the huge finale for Bike Night.
The outlook forecast for the remaining days of the week looks superb for another edition of Bike Night, Wednesday at Sickies Garage from 6-8 p.m.
We'll be looking for you at Bike Night!