Congrats Sheri Harsche! This Week’s Cool Photo Winner
We have a winner this week and it's Sheri Harsche from Shields, ND.
It was great to speak with her about the beautiful photo she took of a storm rolling into her town. Seems like there's been a lot of that the last couple of weeks and it was nice to get this beautiful visual to remind us in the grand scheme of things how small we really are.
The funny thing about this picture though after speaking with her is that the storm never hit her, it actually just rolled over the town and hit the next town over. I could imagine how many beautiful sights could be seen in that town billed as the Gateway to Grant County.
So I hope Sheri and her family enjoy the subway platter because she earned it from Cool 98.7!
You're next chance to enter your Cool photo is Wednesday morning at 6 am. Have a great weekend!