Here’s How Every ‘Mad Men’ Character Ended the Series
At long last, Don Draper and his fellow Mad Men have brought AMC’s touchstone drama to a close. Tonight’s series finale brought plenty of change, heartbreak and even death, but how did the former folk of Sterling-Cooper close out the series? Learn every Mad Men fate by our full review of tonight’s series finale “Person to Person”!
Don Draper
Unsurprisingly, Don got the meatiest arc of the hour, first randomly racing cars cross the desert with Wilfred star Fiona Gubelmann as his latest ladyfriend, only to uncover in conversation with Sally that Betty had a lung cancer-related date with the Grim Reaper in the next few months. Don ignored Sally’s concerns about breaking confidence to call his ex-wife, insisting he’d return home and take care of the kids, but Betty wouldn’t hear of it. Instead, she thought the kids should go to her brother William and his wife, if only to have a maternal presence, leaving Don to continue westward.
First dropping by Stephanie (Legends of Tomorrow star Caity Lotz)’s California home, Don learned that his erstwhile niece had lost custody of her child to his father, before accompanying her to a retreat up the coast. Don treated the resort and its inhabitants with his usual Madison Avenue judgment, but acquiesced to its group therapy upon realizing how distraught and judged Stephanie felt to have left her child behind. Don attempted to console his so-called niece, but slept through her vacating the facility, and seemed nearly catatonic by the loss.
First calling Peggy to finally say a proper goodbye, Don spent several hours collapsed by the sunlit facility’s phone, before the group’s leader finally coaxed him into attending the next support group. There, Don took particular interest in a middle-aged man who relayed his existential horror at a wife, friends and family treating him as a disposable resource like a refrigerator, leading Don to break his stoicism and embrace the man with a heartfelt hug.
When last we saw Dick Don Whatever, the former mad man took in some cliff-side group meditation, cracking a smile at something resembling inner peace.
Peggy Olson
At first struggling to fit in at McCann, Peggy and Stan had to fight to stay on the Chevalier account. A short while later, Peggy reluctantly opted out of Pete’s final lunch at McCann, accepting a cactus the ad executive had been given in his departure. Pete wasn’t the only old friend Peggy made connections with throughout the hour however, as Joan returned to town for lunch, hoping to lure Peggy into a partnership for her new production company, as imagined through a few meetings with Ken Cosgrove at Dow Chemical.
Peggy ultimately declined, having accepted some words from Stan, which would pay off after Don’s unexpected phone call from California. Peggy immediately called Stan for advice, to which Stan took the opportunity to admit his love for Peggy, catching her off guard, but ultimately eliciting a returned response. Stan raced upstairs, rather than stay on the phone, leaving the two to embrace and cement their newfound love.
Roger Sterling
Still no word from Don, Roger found himself in the reluctant position of letting go of Meredith, Don’s secretary. Apart from some honest goodbyes, Roger spent most of the hour with his attention on Marie Calvet, separated enough from her husband to join Roger in an NYC hotel, but no so much as to avoid any discussion of her ex-husband and family.
Keeping his affairs in order, Roger dropped by Joan and Kevin’s to inform her of a change his will, what with Margo seemingly lost to the flower children. Joan reluctantly accepted, noting that her ex Greg had since moved on to have twins with a nurse and leave Kevin behind, while Roger acknowledged he’d likely marry Marie in the near future. Joan laughed, but not enough to stop Roger and his new bride from moving abroad, wherein a still-mustached Roger learned enough French to order lunch.
Pete Campbell
Already guaranteed his happy ending, Pete offered his goodbye cactus to Peggy, and assured her she’d be the first female creative director by 1980, far away though it seemed. After reluctantly attending his goodbye lunch with Harry, Pete was last seen boarding a private jet to Kansas with a blissful Trudy and Tammy.
Joan Holloway
Oh, Joan. First enjoying her time in Florida with Richard (now including cocaine!), Joan accepted a city lunch with Ken Cosgrove, and attempted to spin her own Rolodex of producers into a female-led production company with Peggy as her second. Peggy ultimately declined, but wouldn’t be the only one to bid Joan adieu through the hour, as Richard made clear his disinterest in a working woman.
After accepting Roger’s inheritance for Kevin however, Joan opted to fly solo, and was last seen answering an apartment phone for her new organization as Holloway-Harris productions. After all, one needs two names to make it legitimate.
Betty Draper
Having abandoned makeup and coughing up a storm, Betty accepted a cross-country phone-call from Don, and urged her ex-husband to respect her wishes regarding the children, and their need for a maternal presence. Resigned to her fate, Betty was later seen puffing away by the kitchen table, while Sally did the dishes for the evening.
Ken Cosgrove
Recruiting Joan for her Rolodex of directors and producers, the still one-eyed Ken seemed otherwise content with his position at Dow Chemical. His son seemed to be acting “weird” however, eliciting a laugh from Joan.
Harry Crane
Disappointed that Peggy wouldn’t accompany he and Pete to lunch (he’d apparently considered them the Three Musketeers), an increasingly-gaudy Harry opted to wait for Pete by the elevator. Good riddance, Harry.
Sally Draper
After informing her father of Betty’s condition, Sally returned home to enjoy her mother’s final days, realizing that Bobby had clued into all the gloom and doom of late as well. Sally opted to show her younger brother how to make dinner, and was last seen washing the dishes.
Stan Rizzo
At first remaining supportive to Peggy, Stan took offense to his boss’s drunk late-night ramblings about his lacking ambition. Following Don and Peggy’s phone conversation however, Stan confessed his longtime feelings for his boss, hearing them reciprocated before racing upstairs to meet her in person. After a long-awaited embrace, the two were last seen canoodling, as Peggy wrote her next campaign, and Stan kissed her forehead.
Oh, and as predicted, someone came up with the 1971 “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” commercial, though its direct source remains unclear. Mad-ness!
Well, did Mad Men come to its inevitable end as well as we’d hoped? Whose end was the most surprising? We’ll have more from cast and producers tomorrow, but give us your take on tonight’s shocking Mad Men series finale!
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