An official launch party was held last week for a new business magazine in Bismarck-Mandan, according to the magazine's Facebook page. The magazine is called "Bis-Man Inc."

What's The Magazine About?

The publication's Facebook page, indicates that the magazine will feature different local businesses, start-ups, and events that are local to the area. The page says the goal is to spotlight all things local. Something I, myself, love to do as well. Love it!

Perusing the Bisman Inc website I noticed they post advice for business owners, and, and also highlight several successful female business owners in our community.

A Growing Publication

A magazine owned by the same company, Spotlight Media, exists in Fargo as well; it's called "Fargo Inc." It's my understanding that this magazine will mirror the one that already exists in Fargo.

Useful Info:

According to BisMan Inc's website, the editor of the publication is Grant Ayers. I don't have all the answers just yet, but I see that the magazine can be accessed digitally.

I've reached out to those behind the publication for more info on how and if you can pick up a physical copy and/or if there are subscription fees. I have yet to receive a response.

Local Focus

It's great to see so much is being done to support local businesses in Bismarck-Mandan. My question: Do you think this is something we need in our community? Should we be doing more to support and lift up local business owners?

Well... doing more probably couldn't hurt, right? I'm sure I speak for everyone, when I say we want to see our community thrive.

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