North Dakotans Uniting For Rescued Critters!
I'm good for a hundred bucks...how about you?
I know you're saying radio guy has all kindsa cash to burn. I don't. But, I 100% support these organizations. Good Lord, the water they all carry is unbelievable. The dedication of their legion is to be humbly respected. There are so many workers and volunteers literally in the trenches to save and support these wonderful animals, critters that are all searching hungrily for a permanent home and a couch they can call their own.
Bless you all who know what I'm talking about, and a BIG welcome to all that are about to soon enter into the adopting phase. It's quite rewarding in an everyday sort of way.
Even if you're not adopting, or maybe especially if you're not, PLEASE consider giving to these organizations who have felt a significant financial hit during these pandemic times. It seems that many of their yearly fundraisers are focused among a key group of contributors that are already attached to the organizations.
That simply isn't true- they all need you.
With North Dakota Race For Rescues you have the opportunity to have your impact be felt. If it's five bucks it matters. If it's five grand it also matters. It all matters so much. Plus you could get a t-shirt!
I have deep compassion for the Central Dakota Humane Society and have witnessed over years, the most dedicated staff and volunteers you'll find on earth. You will be a better person to have participated in any way. Here's my girl Daisey D from Furry Friends Rockin' Rescue...
They are all of them in need of a home. Just asking you to help them find one.
Again, learn everything about the statewide campaign by clicking here.
Support your local rescuers however you can.
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