Sanford Health’s Fallen CEO Does Kinda Have A Point…
I don't know if now former Sanford Health Chief Executive Officer Kelby Krabbenhoft can actually carry a tune singing karaoke, but, I do know this fellow is as tone-deaf as they come.
The Associate Press is reporting today that ICU beds are in very short supply.
In Fargo alone, the city’s three hospitals were down to four staffed intensive care unit beds and 19 staffed inpatient beds, according to state data compiled Tuesday. That included no ICU beds and 17 regular beds at Sanford, which recently opened 14 new patient rooms at its main facility in southwest Fargo.
Numbers, that aren't shocking to those of us that aren't suffering, but they'e shocking numbers facing healthcare workers statewide.
So, when the head of a major Midwestern healthcare giant, claims wearing a mask is "merely for show", well that's as tone deaf as it gets when hundreds of your workers and their family's lives are on the line.
Krabbenhoft left the executive position after telling employees in an email that he believes he’s now immune to COVID-19 for “at least seven months and perhaps years to come” and that he isn’t a threat to transmit it to anyone. He said wearing a mask would be merely for show. Other Sanford executives tried to distance themselves from the comments.
But the putz has a point. He's had the COVID. He's joined the herd. CEO Kelby Krabbenhoft is good to go!
So, go he did...and quickly.
The Argus Leader is also reporting that Sanford appears to getting scooped up by the Salt Lake City, Utah based suitor Intermountain. I should pay more attention.
So my point is that Kelby had a real solid point. Science shows that you're much more immune to cooties after catching them. But, your tone deaf attitude ain't immune to public opinion.
Stay safe y'all.
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