5 North Dakota State Fish Records That May Never Be Broken
I've read many articles over the years about how the majority of people who fish do not fish for big fish.
Most people fish for food. I would say that is certainly true. Most anglers I know fish to put fish in the livewell. Especially, walleye fishermen. It's all about limits.
Bass fishermen on the other hand wouldn't dream of keeping a fish.
It's all about sustaining the resource. Most bass fishermen also like to go after big fish. I'm not saying Walleye guys and gals don't enjoy catching big walleyes or even targeting them, because I know they do. Just not as many as bass fishermen.
I grew up a walleye fisherman. That's where I cut my teeth and believe me, I love to eat walleye. However, I always had a fascination as a little boy about catching BIG fish. Catching limits weren't all that important to me.
I remember when the most important thing to me as I got older was to catch a North Dakota Whopper Walleye.
Over the years, I've been fortunate enough to catch several catch-and-release North Dakota and South Dakota walleye whoppers. My biggest walleye however came from Lake of the Woods, Minnesota back in 2003 at 28 1/2 inches and just over 8 lbs.
Now, I want a 30-inch 10 lb plus walleye. I'm hoping the Missouri River will offer that up to me this spring. There's certainly a fair amount of those whopper walleyes roaming the backwaters of the big muddy.
I was looking through the North Dakota State Fish Records recently on the North Dakota Game and Fish website, and I have identified 5 records that may never be broken. Why, well they've all been around since at least the 80s.
So, without further ado here are the 5 state fish records caught in North Dakota that may never be broken (or you could say they're due to be broken).
Please note these are NOT the actual state record fish in these photos.
You can see a list of all the state record fish in North Dakota fish here.
5 North Dakota State Fish Records That May Never Be Broken
North Dakota's 5 Favorite Fish To Eat
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