BisMan Hoarding Ammo Again! (PHOTOS)
Well, I took a little trip to over my lunch to try and find some ammo at one of retailers around town, after a text I had received from a friend. He said that people were buying up all ammunition in town since Monday. President Joe Biden has threaten an executive order on potential gun control after two mass shootings in the country over the last couple of weeks.
According to an article in the New York Post, President Joe Biden is considering a range of possible actions, including working through legislation and even executive action. 35 Senate Democrats introduced legislation this month to ban assault weapons, including the widely popular semi-automatic guns such as AR-15 style rifles.
It was exactly about one year ago, where ammunition and guns were flying off the shelves. Coronavirus was spreading across North Dakota and the country, and people were worried their neighbors would start storming their houses for toilet paper and food. Somehow that translated to "I better stock up on ammo and guns!"
Here's what I saw when I got to one store this afternoon. Most of the pistol & rifle ammo gone. There were restrictions in place on quantities of how much you could buy. Even with those, the shelves were practically bare. I overheard customers talking, "This so reminds me of the toilet paper panic buying," he said out loud. It did to me too, as the store was buzzing with people in to buy ammunition. There were shotgun shells available (mostly steel), but even those were being bought up pretty quick. No restrictions, except for trap loads.
I called around to a couple of other area stores, and they all had the same story. One comment I heard, "It's going to take years to get stocked back up!" Man, I hope that isn't true.
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