Bismarck Larks Play The Waiting Game.
The smell of the grass! The crack of the bat! The sound of the silence!
Waiting for sports to return is driving us nuts. So nuts that TV networks just ran a 3 HOUR special to announce the NFL schedule for 2020. A schedule that can literally be read and understood in under one minute. But we're hungry for some "ball" baby!
So bring on baseball's finest! Your Bismarck Larks' Opening Day is Tuesday May 26th with a two day stand versus the Duluth Huskies!
Although Bismarck appears to be trending in the right direction- you should never count your larks until they've hatched. There's 22 teams in the Northwoods League and many of the teams are located in the COVID-19 challenged states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Duluth actually just recently closed their home field Wade Stadium until July 1st. So unless we play all home games...which come to think of it- would be ALOT of fireworks displays! No? Well, what if we just played in other city's sand lots? No? You're killing me Smalls!
There's a lot of different restrictions that vary per region. One restriction actually varies per country. Introducing the Northwoods League's "Thunder Bay Border Cats"!! They're from Ontario. Which is in Canada. Which is a whole 'nother can of worms. Worms, that usually larks really love.
You know what happens when you go into Canada these days? You are legally required to quarantine for 14 days! Might I suggest the Border Cats relocate to the States for the summer?
So we wait and see. In the meantime I'd go see an exhibition game when possible. Y'know just to smell the grass.
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