June 3rd/4th – Come Soar Sky High In Mandan
Wow does this bring me back to my childhood...
...and maybe this will to you too. When was the last time you flew a kite? Let me rephrase that, when was the last time you physically flew a kite ( not in a video game ) My answer to that last question would be about 45 years ago. Coming up in less than two weeks, here is your chance to bring the whole family out - experienced flyers to the very beginner, time to enjoy Kite Fly, AND raise some money as well for an important cause.
I wanted to find out more about how much kites have changed "these" days
This afternoon I had a chance to talk to Rena Renarusgad, from Prairie Wind Kites, she will be out there in Mandan loaded with an assortment of kites for your to buy and FLY, at inexpensive costs for the beginner, ranging from $11 to $65, these beautiful Fiber Glass Frame, ( including line ) kites will have you spellbound once you get them up high over Mandan.
Plan on being there Saturday, June 3rd & Sunday, June 4th from 10 - 4 pm -
Mandan Middle School - KITE FLY - Event presented by Dacotah Mandan Lions - raising money for Pediatric Cancer. Check it out there, there will be Brats and Hot Dogs available. Plus a Free Will Offering for Jimi Faris - A Mandan Middle School Student with Burkitt's Lymphoma.
Prairie Wind Kites Is KITE Busy These Days...
...here are some of the events they will be at:
May 27-29 Sky Fest over Fort Stevenson 10-4
June 3-4 Mandan Dacotah Lions Family fun fly - north of Mandan Middle School, north of Wal-Mart
June 9-11 Jamestown Kitefest, Meidinger Park NW Jamestown 10-3 each day
July - 8 & 9 Makoti Threshing Show
August - 5 Rollie Fest - Minot, ND
Get out and enjoy the outdoors!
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