Mandan Schools Release Smart Restart Re-Entry Plan.
Monday night, the Mandan School Board approved a detailed Smart Restart Re-Entry Plan. It contains four Instructional Models that include Traditional Daily Instruction, the Mandan Virtual Academy, Modified On-Campus, and Distance Learning.
This year, much of any school district's plans are based on the phases of the North Dakota Smart Restart Guidance. The phases go from blue/green to yellow to orange/red. The blue phase will see a much more traditional and familiar school experience. Hitting the orange/red phase will see the schools move towards more off-campus distance learning.
In conjunction with Custer Health, Mandan Public Schools recommend that the wearing of masks will also be be based on these phases. In the Green phase it is strongly encouraged, if Morton County enters the Yellow phase, face coverings will be required and stricter social distancing policies will be put in place.
Clearly, we're entering into completely unknown territory. Parents, students, and staff will all need to work in unison as changes arise. I would like to think we'd all agree that sending students to classes with face masks would be a very basic first step to somewhat lessen the impact of the virus on the school year.
Go to any social media outlet and it is abundantly clear we don't all agree on that at all.
But one thing we will all have to agree on- getting students temperatures taken daily. Yup, daily. Students probably tend to be asymptomatic, taking their temperature before school or before getting on the bus is a simple way we can monitor the presence of COVID-19 in the classrooms.
Thursday August 20, the school year get's underway in Mandan. Take a look at the complete plan here.
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