North Dakota, Can I Put My Dog’s Poop In Your Trash Can?
I've had big dogs my whole life so I consider myself a bit of an expert in the fine art of canine crap disposal. When it's out in your own backyard, there are many conditions that factor into a successful poo harvest. Temperature and humidity are probably the top two to consider. Some people use a shovel, rake, or in my dad's case a tool he fashioned specifically for poo removal. Me, I prefer a pocketful of plastic grocery bags and just grabbing the offending nuggets with a wrapped-up bag around my hand.
How to do poo is truly up to you...where you put it is a different story.
Now I'm not talking about the every two-week backyard full-on poop patrol, where you're double bagging just to make sure the bottom doesn't blow out. That goes in your OWN trash bin EVERY time. My apologies to the trash collectors especially on those hot summer days.
Nah, I'm talking about taking your dogs for a walk and they do their business along the way...and you're a long way from home. Assuming of course you remembered to bring bags, and are a thoughtful and courteous dog companion that picks up after your pal. So now you've got a stinky sack of number two.
You just gonna walk around with that?
There are no public receptacles in sight, but let's say you're walking down an alley complete with private dumpsters and private garbage cans. It wouldn't hurt to toss that bag in someone's bin, would it?
I learned quickly that it all depends on who you ask.
This morning, I was taking the temperature of a room of co-workers and asking their opinion on the subject. Typical work stuff around here. I got a hot response from a fellow dog owner who told me that in no way was I to be dumping my dog's dumpings in her trash can. She keeps a tidy can and doesn't appreciate me flinging random feces in it- even if it is in a bag! What?
Well, if I can't dispose of it in someone else's garbage, where's it gonna go?
The City of Bismarck really didn't have the definitive answer for me...
Every owner or person having control of a dog or cat, when such animal is off the owner/custodian’s property, shall collect, remove and properly dispose of the dog's or cat's solid waste when eliminated. (Ord. 4159, 06-23-87; Ord. 4231, 11-08-88; Ord. 6480, 08-31-21)
Here we are again- "properly dispose of". I scanned the internet searching for a clear answer to this ethical dilemma. I would say the overwhelming opinion was...if it wasn't a bad thing to do...why are we so sneaky about it? If someone was standing in their backyard would you approach their can, pull off the lid, and deposit your bag of poo along with an obligatory "Sure is a nice day today!" I bet not...
So how to transport that poo package back to your own trash bin?
Coupla ways I guess. The internet seems fond of attaching the bag to their rear window windshield wiper. It keeps the odors outdoors and hopefully stays attached while you're roaring down the highway. If you're behind someone in this scenario- beware, they're packing poop. Of course, there's also an eager entrepreneur with a simple solution..
Introducing the Kurgo Tailgate Dumpster!
I kid you not. It's a plastic container that attaches to the rear of your vehicle with a magnet. You drop in the doo-doo bag and it closes and seals with another magnet. Quite clever really. Click here to order yours.
Me I'm just going to dump my bag in your tidy trash can. Thanks for understanding.
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