North Dakota Special November 2021 Legislative Session Is On!
Stock up on canned spaghetti before they buy it all!
That's a reference to one of my favorite stories of all time...one guy- wrong place, wrong quote, good times. Read the sad story of legislators that no longer get free meals from lobbyists- just click here.
But any ways, they're officially coming back to Downtown Bismarck and hungry for redistricting and spending some serious Covid cash.
Red River Farm Network reports the special session is kicking off on November 8th.
They will be deciding on redistricting the state based on 2020 Census Data. Here's a little taste of that from AP News...
A panel of lawmakers on Thursday substantially completed a draft of North Dakota’s new legislative map that creates three new districts in the state’s fastest-growing areas but erases an equal amount in population-lean rural regions.
Sorry "population-lean regions" but this is where we're headed. Because, the panels are working to make sure the Legislature has all the facts to streamline the process since time is short. But honestly, let's look at the proposed changes...
Lawmakers added new three new districts in and around the state’s biggest city of Fargo, and Williston and Watford City in the heart of the state’s oil patch. Cass County, which grew more than 20% in the past decade, would have 11 districts within its borders with the additional legislative district, under the proposed map. Williams County, which contains Williston, saw its population increase 83% to almost 41,000 people in the past decade with the explosion of oil development in the region. Neighboring McKenzie County, which contains Watford City, also would gain a district.
Finally a balance of growth between East and West. Refreshing. Plus, West Fargo is really just more Fargo. Lets's move on to the insane amount of money the Legislature has to hand out in a very short time. It's over a billion dollars.
They tied Doug Burgum's purse strings at $50 million so he couldn't spend the billion.
Doug tried to veto the limit back in April 2021, but was denied by the Legislature override. OUCH. Now, if North Dakota wants to write a check at the grocery store the entire assembled Legislature has to OK anything over $50 million.
The Republican-led Legislature passed the bill after the state received $1.2 billion in federal coronavirus relief funding last year. The North Dakota Emergency Commission, headed by Burgum, largely determined how the money would be spent.
So, that was after we got the cash? But the Legislature is limited to the amount of time they can stay in session. So this cash has been hanging in limbo until they reassemble for a coupla days and figure out where it goes.
Any suggestions? Put in your requests by November 8th. Just remember you can't buy them supper. But wait...here's a past story that says you can buy them lunch!
Stay tuned...
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