Ewan McGregor, the Scottish born actor who is playing Minnesota brothers in the upcoming third season of FX’s Fargo says the Midwest accent is harder than you think.

The actor was speaking on a television critics panel Thursday said the Fargo-y accent is more difficult than one would think according to E News. The actor went on to say, it's almost a non- American accent, and is one of the hardest accents he has ever done. McGregor  plays brothers Emmit and Ray Stussy. It's confusing because these are two characters played by the same actor. One is a parking lot attendant, the other role is a  is a less successful parole officer.

Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images
Frederick M. Brown / Getty Images

Depending on who you talk to, some North Dakotans' find the accent cheesy, while some don't mind the effort.

Season three will be 10 episodes, and it’s set to air on FX starting in April.


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