Study To Reimburse Teachers Passes North Dakota House.
Being a radio host for the past few decades, I can tell you there's nothing like the phone bank in the studio lighting up with listeners calling in to join the conversation. Unless it's my listeners enraged reaction to something that came out of my stupid mouth...something like this perhaps
"Sure would be nice to be a teacher, because you get summers off"
This should be covered in Remedial Broadcasting 101- don't poke the buzzing beehive that is our community of educators. I got an earnest earful of all the extras that teachers put into the job including summer school, summer training workshops, and most of all..out-of-pocket expenses incurred by educators at all levels. The extra cost of popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue. (off topic...but, as a 2nd grader which tasted better- glue or paste? I'm a paste person.)
Well Bismarck's Representative Pat Heinert has introduced a "study" that has already passed through the House. Prairie Public News reported this...
"This, in a study format, would benefit teachers in the long run, and would bring this to the forefront for school boards and others to consider," Heinert said. "We may end up with a bill -- I'm not sure."
The study passed through the House 63-26 and is now on it's way to the Senate.
It passed but not without a little bickering from another Bismarcker- Rep. Rick Becker
"The money that's going to K-12, that originally would have been used for school supplies, is now being used for other stuff. And what happens when we subsidize, is we always increase spending on the other side. And that's what's going to happen here."
Note Rep. Becker doesn't seem to support teacher's being forced to pay for supplies themselves, but believes the money may already be built into the budget for the school's to provide the supplies.
So I mentioned the reimbursement study is on it's way to the Senate. Now it's just a "study", a similar bill died a horrible death in the House back in 2019. Poor little guy never stood a chance. It was seeking up to $200 annually that teachers could submit for reimbursement. It got squashed by the House Education Committee getting a 12-2 do-not-pass recommendation and an additional spanking in the House failing 20-72 back in 2019.
I invite you to clamor to the comments and interject your opinion. Or if you want to call the studio hotline to shed a little truth to your legislators, you'll find all their numbers, emails, etc on this ND.gov website.
Teachers, thanks for all you do!
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