All On Board For Pumping CO2 Into Oliver County North Dakota?All On Board For Pumping CO2 Into Oliver County North Dakota? I mean Iowa's in big time. Seriously? Iowa dumping on us?Scott McGowanScott McGowan
Stink From Grand Forks? Ten Better Smells To Bury In North DakotaStink From Grand Forks? Ten Better Smells To Bury In North DakotaThe proposed pipeline project would annually bury 12 million tons of CO2 underground in ND's Oliver and Mercer Counties. Why can't we bury some nice smells as well?Scott McGowanScott McGowan
North Dakota Coal Allied With Electric Cars? Oil Is Unimpressed.North Dakota Coal Allied With Electric Cars? Oil Is Unimpressed.North Dakota Coal is hoping carbon-capture digs them out of a hole...Electric Vehicle Industry appears to agree.Scott McGowanScott McGowan