
Beware: How to Spot Social Media Scams About Missing Persons in North Dakota
Beware: How to Spot Social Media Scams About Missing Persons in North Dakota
Beware: How to Spot Social Media Scams About Missing Persons in North Dakota
In recent weeks, there has been an uptick in the number of posts on social media platforms in the Williston and North Dakota areas that are about children who have gone missing or adults who are in danger. Sadly, a significant number of these heartbreaking posts are frauds that are designed to take advantage of the community's generosity...
Update on Missing North Dakota Person Case: Roger Shelton
Update on Missing North Dakota Person Case: Roger Shelton
Update on Missing North Dakota Person Case: Roger Shelton
New developments have come to light in an update to the ongoing case of Roger Shelton's disappearance. Roger Shelton was last seen in Williams County on January 5, 2024. The Williams County Sheriff’s Office has been diligently following up on various leads and tips to uncover his whereabouts. ...
What to Do If a Tornado Touches Down in North Dakota
What to Do If a Tornado Touches Down in North Dakota
What to Do If a Tornado Touches Down in North Dakota
Tornadoes are one of nature's most violent phenomena, and North Dakota, while not in the heart of Tornado Alley, still experiences these destructive storms. Knowing what to do when a tornado touches down can save lives. Here are the essential steps to take, according to Ready...
Behind the Scenes: The Crew Transforming Williston Basin Speedway for 2024
Behind the Scenes: The Crew Transforming Williston Basin Speedway for 2024
Behind the Scenes: The Crew Transforming Williston Basin Speedway for 2024
Area race fans are eagerly anticipating the upcoming 2024 season at the Williston Basin Speedway, and for good reason. Not only does it promise to be a thrilling season of racing, but there have also been significant improvements made to the track that are sure to enhance the overall experience for both drivers and spectators alike...
Surviving SAD: Tips for North Dakota’s Winter Warriors
Surviving SAD: Tips for North Dakota’s Winter Warriors
Surviving SAD: Tips for North Dakota’s Winter Warriors
Winter in this neck of the woods can be pretty brutal, right? But did you know it's not just the freezing temps that can get to you? Yep, those endless chilly months can also trigger something called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. So, let's break it down...

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