Will Spam Survive The Pandemic?
The simple answer is kind of a popular cliche these days.
Spam will not only survive. It will thrive. (especially if left in a petri dish)
That pink gelatinous meat product survived World Wars and ain't going down because of a virus. As a matter of fact spam sales soared 70% in a 15 week period that ended in mid June. Costco stores nationwide watched as panicked consumers pulled the mystery meat off the shelves by the 8-pack. I keep poking fun at Spam, but I've put down a can or two all on my lonesome. It's the ultimate camper's companion needing no refrigeration and truly impossible to overcook. Mix it with some eggs and ya got one salty omelette and a thirst you'll never quench.
For 125 years, the Hormel company has been headquartered in Austin, Minnesota so as mid-westerners, we all feel a bit of ownership in the Spam legacy. A can of Hormel chili or Dinty Moore beef stew, are the perfect fall-back when there's nothing else to eat. It's hard to believe that in the early 80's when I worked at the health centered YMCA, they had a heated vending machine filled with hot cans of stew and chili. Half food half molten grease.
The reason I got to thinking about Spam in the age of corona, was seeing this headline- "Hormel surge in demand, supply chain issues" . Turns out, Spam has loved the pandemic. It's just keeping the processing plants operating and the workers safe.
So there may be a lag in supply for meats such as ham, bacon, pepperoni etc. Spam can replace 'em all. Just watch this YouTube clip from Monty Python's Flying Circus...that clip was just the song, the Spam Sketch from YouTube is here.
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