For most of us our childhood memories are kind of a blur.  One particular memory of mine is definitely a blur, because I got knocked out cold! I'm not sure I was technically "knocked out", but I sure was cold. I would say I was probably a second grader out ice skating at the outdoor rink they had at my elementary school.  We were fortunate enough to have a rickety "warming house" at the rink, and when I was running in some other kid was running out. The door smashed my face but good, the only thing that saved me was my ski mask frozen with snot.  You remember "ski masks"?  The wool pullover variety with holes for your eyes and your mouth. If you had a ski mask, a parka, snow pants or a snowmobile suit, you could stay out on the ice for hours!  Good times filled with mostly good memories.


When I first got to Mandan in 2001, there was an outdoor ice sheet right by Collins Avenue and the Post Office.  I'm having trouble picturing exactly where it was located. Is that where Library Square is now? Well, it was before the remediation project and the ice had petroleum goo on it and smelled like diesel.  But me and my daughter had a pretty good time skating around that winter.

So where is there a great place to get kids out of the house and out on the ice?  I'll list some of the places I found looking online and maybe you know more just looking out your window. Skating is a fun activity inside or out- but, if you want some character building need to take it outdoors.

Yes, I know it's been too warm for outdoor ice...but let's all be prepared when Jack Frost comes nipping at your nose (and freezing all your snot.) Winter doesn't even start til Tuesday so sites are still closed.  But bookmark this for future reference.

Bismarck Ice Skating, Outdoor

Outdoor Ice Skating

Outdoor Rink Warming House Hours:
Closed for the Season

  • Monday-Friday: 3:30-9pm
  • Saturday-Sunday and Public School Holidays: 1-9pm
  • Christmas Eve: 11am-3pm & Christmas Day: CLOSED

Warming Houses are located at the following parks:

Bismarck Municipal Ballpark

  • Closed
  • 303 W. Front Ave., 222-6636
  • One hockey rink

Jaycee Centennial Park

  • Closed 
  • 321 E. Century Ave., 222-6632
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

Lions Park

  • Closed 
  • 1001 N. 17th St., 222-6635
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

New Generations Park

  • Closed 
  • 1021 Mustang Dr., 751-0690
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

North Central Park

  • Closed 
  • 830 Central Ave., 221-6875
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

Solheim School/VFW Post #1326 Family Recreational Park

  • Closed 
  • 325 Munich Dr., 221-3499
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

Tatley – Eagles Park

  • Closed
  • 602 Airport Rd., 222-6634
  • One hockey rink and one pleasure rink

Mandan Outdoor Ice Skating Locations

2021/2022 Legion Warming House Hours

Warming House Hours are Weather Permitting

  • December 23 - 1pm - 9pm
  • December 24 & 25 - 12pm - 5pm
  • December 26 - Jan.2 - 1pm - 9pm

*Starting Jan. 3 the warming house will be open from 5pm - 9pm on school days and the warming house will be open from 1pm - 9pm on weekends

*Open early days/non-school days - Jan. 17, Jan. 18, Feb. 18 and Feb. 21

Outdoor Ice Skating Locations

  • Legion Park – 1111 10th Avenue SW
  • KC Park – 801 3rd Avenue NE
  • Borden Harbor Park – 3805 Sandpiper Trail

So this winter lace 'em up as a family!  Yes, the ice may be bumpier, so there will be plenty of falling down and lot's of crying. But, those tears too shall freeze.

Y'all don't forget your long johns!

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