Look out Fargo, people are calling in mountain lion sightings!  There were several sightings Sunday night May 17th, at Lemkey Park. This comes after West Fargo officials had to "neutralize" a mountain lion back on March 31st.  I understand that no one wants to see a beautiful animal killed but authorities need to make educated decisions that are best for our communities.  In the case of the West Fargo cougar

The West Fargo Police Department said the close proximity to a residential area, no ability to relocate the animal and lack of normal behavior were leading factors in the decision to put the animal down. The mountain lion was said to have exhibited behavior not associated with a healthy animal, and demonstrated an apparent lack of fear for human interaction.

There were also reports of mountain lion sightings in West Fargo in June of 2019.  Generally most mountain lions sighting take place west of the Missouri River.  But,  Bismarck has also had lion run-ins over the past few years.  In October of 2018, a mountain lion was killed by a deer hunter just north of Bismarck in the Double Ditch area. In January of 2019, Bismarck Police had to neutralize a mountain lion that had made it into the city and was taken down next to the Municipal Ballpark- the home of your Bismarck Larks!  Just six blocks from my house! I'll have to confess, one of my few phobias is a fear of big cats.  I'm not sure if that's a phobia- as every right-minded individual should have more than just a healthy respect for a cougar's combination of muscles, claws, and teeth.  So, where I'm always hopeful these big cats just leave the big city with fond memories. You probably have to wonder why they wandered into town in the first place. Stay safe everyone and watch your pets.


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