So your car comes up to a moose nursing a calf in the middle of a road in Mammoth, Wyoming...would you want your engine to stop? Surrounded by a swarm of citified moose? Would you?  These moose aren't scared, and frankly you shouldn't be either.

But, that's the first time I ever experienced the start/stop feature available in many vehicle models today.  That was during me and Brenda's Yellowstone Getaway back in September. I break that down here.  It seems that the overflow of tourists broke major records in Yellowstone in September, October, and surely November.  So among all the tourists and moose, you want your car to turn off when you stop...only to turn on only when it's time to go?

I had forgotten about it, until Brenda recently mentioned witnessing it again with another car. It stopped when braked to a stop. Started when engaged to move forward. Stopped when braked to a stop.

When she brought that back up to me- I thought...well, let's look for experienced auto start/stop drivers and see what they think.  At the same time bringing y'all into the story of why in the heck this could even be happening!

You can get the dry Wikipedia angle here just to prove it exists. Because, Wikipedia is mostly right agreed? OK, so it started in 1974 with a VW,

But this ain't history, this is saying that if your 2020 vehicle could come equipped with an auto start/stop system that could leave you engine dead behind a nursing moose. Well?

Stop-start systems, be they on a petrol or diesel vehicle, are, generally speaking, so smooth you’ll barely notice when the thing’s shutdown and, by the time your foot has come off the brake pedal the car has started again and you’re off and running. Some systems even respond to a jink of the steering wheel. Or there are those that are clever enough to determine when you’ve slowed down almost to a complete stop but have changed your mind and jumped back onto the throttle again… even though the system has started its stop cycle, it’s able to cancel that in a split second based on your throttle application and keep you moving

Sounds like anti-lock brakes, except it turns your car off. There's a few articles here, here, and here.

I'd sure be interested to know why I should be interested.

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