NDSU Scores Veto Victory In Final Seconds!
NDSU Scores Veto Victory In Final Seconds!
They need to stop screwing around, but we ain't going to fine them millions of dollars if they do. Former Republican, Governor Doug Burgum echoed the sentiments of all that holds true- follow the money.
Burgum vetoed the portion of the bill that contains the sanctions, citing state law that already forbids “an agency of the state” from funding or supporting programs that do not “give preference, encouragement and support to normal childbirth.” Burgum said the sections he did not veto were intended to clarify that unless institutions abide by anti-abortion policies, they are ineligible to receive challenge grant dollars.
Especially since this guy, NDSU President Dean Breciani, said this way back on March 30th...
“It’s a matter of academic freedom,” University President Dean Bresciani told The Associated Press.
So Dean went all "stay in your lane" back at the end of March and we only assumed there would be the obligatory walk-it-back statements in early April.
Nothing? Good for Dean! Say something and stand behind it. Very refreshing. But, in today's troubled times, idealistic thinking that comes with a price tag is ideally not tolerated. But wait, maybe Governor Burgum can toss Dean a bone. Yes. Yes he can.
So, what if we was to keep all the "we don't like what you're doing" part of the legislation, but remove the "let's fine you millions of dollars if you keep doing it" portion.
The bill says any institution that enters into a contract with “a person that performs or promotes the performance of an abortion” would have its operating budget cut by 2.5%. The school official signing the contract also would face a misdemeanor charge punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $1,500 fine.
The sanction would mean a $2.8 million blow to the Fargo-based research university.
So let's just veto that part.
Burgum cited state law already prevents agencies from funding, endorsing, or supporting “any program that, between normal childbirth and abortion, does not give preference, encouragement, and support to normal childbirth.”
The Legislature adjourned April 30 and is unlikely to reconvene to challenge the veto.
And fair enough as it was a bully bill to begin with- if they feel strongly about it- y'all come reconvene now y'hear!
The Republican governor said in his veto message late Friday that the “multimillion-dollar penalties directed toward our public higher education institutions and mandatory criminal charges against state employees” is “problematic.”
"Problematic" is a good choose of words for a legislative session, that often this year, seemed to swing for the fences a little too hard.
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