baby names

2015 Top Baby Names
2015 Top Baby Names
2015 Top Baby Names
It's that time of year again. Toward the end of every year, we're flooded with the top of the list for this and that. The best of everything and the worst. The most popular and the least popular. It is now time for the top baby names from 2015.
Your Name Reflects Your Parents Being Liberal OR Conservative
Your Name Reflects Your Parents Being Liberal OR Conservative
Your Name Reflects Your Parents Being Liberal OR Conservative
My given name is Jason and according to a new study---If your name is something like David, Keith, Cathy or Bob, Chuck, Jim, or maybe Rich, there is a very good chance that your parents are conservative. And if you’re rocking a name like Leo, Laura, Anna, or Moonbeam, chances are you come from a long line of “Liberals."
New Trend In Baby Names—Turning Back The Hands Of Time
New Trend In Baby Names—Turning Back The Hands Of Time
New Trend In Baby Names—Turning Back The Hands Of Time
When it comes to naming a baby--each set of parents has their own criteria.  Me?  I was almost named for my dad Jack Hemingway, but they decided on "Jason," so I wouldn't be called "Junior Hemingway."   It seems the newest trend when it comes to naming a baby it turning back the hands of time...check out these baby names and you'll see what I mean!
Get Ready For Bizarre Baby Names….
Get Ready For Bizarre Baby Names….
Get Ready For Bizarre Baby Names….
First there was Apple. Then there was Moses. Then Blu Ivy. Then there was Rainbow.   Whatever happened to names like mine---Jason, eh?   Now names for babies are really getting out of control--in my humble opinion!