What Are ND’s Top 10 Cash “Crops”? (GALLERY)
While we're talking farming, You can always count on me to spread the word about the always unbelievable actions of Farm Rescue. Farm Rescue is a group based in Horace, North Dakota that lends assistance to farm families in need throughout the Great Plains. Generally it involves bringing in crews and machinery to assist in planting or harvesting, when a farmer falls ill. It's not just farmers who benefit from the generosity of those affiliated with Farm Rescue, many ranchers as well have benefited in going through tough times with their operations. Well, tough times have come once again to livestock producers across the region, and once again Farm Rescue is rising to the occasion.
It's called Operation Hay Lift, it's mission is to provide relief to ranching operations that are being affected this year through drought or wildfires. Their efforts are free of charge to those they assist. In order to put together such a comprehensive plan, Farm Rescue needs our assistance with monetary support, volunteer CDL drivers, and of course hay donations. This from News Dakota...
Ranchers affected by wildfire or those operating in D2 (Severe Drought) zones or higher are asked to fill out applications for hay hauling assistance, which will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Ranchers facing challenges due to wildfire and those residing in D3 (Extreme Drought) zones or higher will be given priority on any available donated hay. If the volume of donated hay does not meet the need requested through submitted applications, ranchers may still qualify for hauling assistance depending on proximity to their farm. Applications can be obtained at farmrescue.org.
Help if you can and let's all pray for rain.
Now back to the money makers in North Dakota production. Did you make your list? Let's see how you did. These numbers were compiled from 2019 in both total cash($) and the percentage (%) that represents in total state cash receipts.
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