Will Alice Cooper Be Your Favorite North Dakota Concert Ever?
Tonight's gonna be a real treat.
Alice Cooper is playing at the Bismarck Event Center. I'm an avid concert fan but have never seen the band live. With all of the show's theatrics and Cooper's incredible library of songs, this concert has the makings of one heck of a memorable show.
I'm even going to give opening-slot rock band Buckcherry a fair chance to impress me. If you ever worked in a dive bar then you've no doubt heard their song Crazy Bitch played on the jukebox six times every night. It made me bitchy and crazy.
But I remember decades ago when Warrant was playing in Bismarck. They were riding the wave of their overplayed power ballad "Heaven". I expected them to suck and honestly, the band was pretty damn good live. So here's hoping
What are the best concerts you've been to in North Dakota?
Maybe you saw Guns n Roses Last Year at the Fargo Dome? I did. First time I'd ever seen them. Like all singers, time has not been especially kind to Axle Rose's vocal range. Especially his low end...which is odd, usually the high end suffers the most. As a concert-child of the '70s and '80s, it was cool to see a band that still breaks out eight extended guitar solos a night. Your thoughts?
It was a great show but for me, it simply couldn't beat the boss.
#1 Bruce Springsteen and the E-Street Band in Fargo November 1999
I'm way too big a fan of their entire catalog to not put this three-hour show on top.
Honorable Mention- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Bismarck July 2003
Also, way too big a fan to not mention it's pretty darn close between those top two.
I'm throwing Rush and Cheap Trick shows out there too (1980-81)?
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