Biden’s Jobs Plan For North Dakota (GALLERY)
Today marked the Biden administration's release of a state-by-state fact sheet that breaks down the perceived needs of each state as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. When you're looking for votes and support, it's always wise to tell the public what's in it for them.
So the Biden administration put a bunch of quarters in all their statisticians and told them to go break down the specific needs of each state. Honestly, these needs aren't specific to North Dakota. Click on the PDF link after the gallery and you'll see the topics are the same for every state. It's how much the need is for every state that varies. Each state also got a letter-grade on their Infrastructure Report Card. North Dakota, Montana, and Minnesota all scored a "C" grade. South Dakota scored a "C minus" and will have to sit in the corner.
So if the President wants to capture the positive patriotic support of the fine people of North Dakota, he better...
I can't finish that sentence with a straight face. Support? Unlikely. But, humor me for a minute here...
Hey Joe! What's in it for ND?
So what did we learn? I guess that over the last ten years our commute times have increased 9.9%. There's cash for that. In the last ten years, North Dakota has had extreme weather events that cost us around five billion dollars. Shoot, here's $50 billion to fix it. So it's more of the same- create millions of jobs, out-compete China, a chicken in every pot, yada yada yada. Here's that link to see the whole proposal. Click below to go state to state.