Bismarck/Mandan – Is It Time For Your Kids To Go Back To School?
This crazy world we live in, right? Last year at this time, everything was in full bloom, so to speak. The Minnesota Twins baseball season was underway, high school seniors getting psyched for promo, everything we took for granted was open. The thought of "STAY AT HOME" was something we considered as a bonus - when our lives were so busy, to relax at home would be a great way to decompress.
Today is April 28th, 2020, and "STAY AT HOME" orders are still in place for most states, thanks to the coronavirus. How ironic that HOME now seems like a dungeon for OUT OF WORK /SCHOOL CANCELLED people. We are all going through this, and everyone is keeping their hopes up, that very soon society will get back to semi-normal. Businesses chomping at the bit to re-open, and so are WE for that matter! Here is a SCARY fact though - The number of *confirmed coronavirus cases in the United States has now gone over one million, as of today.
Want to hear something even scarier? President Trump, yesterday, urged governors around our nation to "seriously consider" reopening schools. Here's an idea, what about taking baby steps? How about we see how things go first, once life itself "reopens"? Let's look at it this way, with all the reports of confirmed deaths around the world, and the *stats I mentioned earlier, Would you feel 100 % confident to send your kids back to school? I find this last paragraph hard to believe, I really do. I mean, what happened to "good old common sense"? Click HERE for more on this story.
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