Bismarck’s “Citizen Academy” Accepting Second Class Applicants
It's not like that at all!
The City of Bismark Is Now Accepting Applicants For The Citizen's Academy's Second Class.
Not because your second-class citizens, but because you registered after the people registered for the first class. So you are then considered members of the second class because...
The First Class graduated
What would you expect? Of course, they graduated. To gain entry into the Citizen's Academy one should possess cat-like reflexes, proper hygiene, and the ability to get educated while navigating all things Bismarck!
The Bismarck Citizen Academy is a 12-week program designed to broaden knowledge of city operations and enhance understanding of how city government brings these services to its residents and community.
The program will provide participants with an in-depth, hands-on, behind-the-scenes experience, focusing on knowledge, engagement, transparency and communication:
Secret officer assigned for "first-class" protection.(not like they need it)
There's actual work! This is from BismarckND.Gov
- 14 City departments will be showcased.
- Participants will learn how to become more involved in local government advisory boards, commissions and other opportunities for civic engagement.
- Opportunities will be provided to connect with community leaders including the Mayor, City Commissioners, Department Directors and staff with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences in local government operations.
So if you ever thought that there was just no room for you inside the halls of municipal government, then maybe you don't have the motivation necessary to become a candidate for Citizens Academy!