Bismarck’s Rick Becker Heading For Historic Political Beatdown
I had a hard time believing it when I first heard that Rick Becker was not running for another term as Representative from North Dakota's District 7. Rick has served in the House of Representatives for 10 years but in the last few years, he seems to have been fueled by rattling the pots and pans of his own party.
I mean the guy's got his own TV show!
No Apologies with Becker airs weekly on BEK TV. Most of the content is rooted in "liberty-based living" and reflects Dr. Becker's ultra-conservative stand on a whole variety of issues. He's posted 30 video clips on his YouTube channel if you'd like to hear just a handful of his stands. If you've got a few hours you can check a summary of his legislative history by clicking here. This guy even created a political movement in his own party and named it after a French fella. Pretty bold move as most North Dakotans aren't generally keen on hearing the thoughts of some philosophical Frenchman.
First elected in 2012, Becker formed during his first legislative session the Bastiat Caucus, named after French political philosopher Frederic Bastiat. The loosely organized group fervently supports limited government and spending and privacy and gun rights.
So in late January when Rick announced he wasn't running for re-election I presumed the combination of being a plastic surgeon, real estate developer, business owner, and a family guy was going to be enough to fill Dr. Becker's plate. Really, it's his life so why should I care? Nothing wrong with taking a step outside the political meat grinder for a while.
The problem is Rick Becker is stepping towards the political slaughterhouse.
He's taking his ultra-conservative views to a primary election battle with current North Dakota Senator John Hoeven. In Becker's announcement video he doesn't name Hoeven directly but by process of elimination, it's gotta be John.
Becker had previously run for governor of North Dakota in 2016 but lost out to arch-nemesis and reported RINO Doug Burgum. So going against an all-around likable standing senator like John Hoeven would seem like a fool's folly. I prefer to applaud a person willing to actually put values before political expediency. Other than the well-known fact that decades ago John Hoeven was a democrat, is there something sinister or shady that the Becker camp knows about John Hoeven?
What is he hiding under that mustache?
I guess we're going to find out. But let's applaud a serious discussion of ideas within a party that holds such a super-majority in our state. I can't see it being anything but a landslide for Hoeven, but it will force the Senator to not take the primary election for granted. Hoeven's got the cash and the clout to put a beatdown on this Bastiat. North Dakota's primary election is June 14, Rick's gotta spread the message quickly as there is not a whole lot of time to get those grassroots growing.
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