ND National Guard Blackhawks Might Be Heading To Washington D.C.
The North Dakota National Guard is not simply a force in our state. The Guard operates where needed and has seen deployment worldwide in times of of war and peace. Now, it seems the North Dakota National Guard may be called later this year to the nation's Capital.
The Bismarck Tribune reports Bismarck-based Company C, 2nd Battalion, 285th Aviation Regiment has been told it might be called to active duty later this year in Washington D.C.
See, Washington D.C. is not a state. Although just last Friday, the Democratically controlled House of Representatives passed a bill that would make D.C. the 51st state in the union. It would, if not for the promise of the bill being crushed in the Senate. Plus, we'd have to redo all our flags.
So there's no governor in DC, only a mayor. A mayor that was a little upset when military was deployed during the protests. Mayors right?
Seems there is a D.C. Air National Guard and Army National Guard and they only report to the President.
The D.C. National Guard is the only U.S. military force empowered to carry out federal functions in a state or, in this case, a district. Those functions range from limited actions during non-emergency situations to full scale law enforcement of martial law when local law enforcement officials can no longer maintain civil control. The National Guard may be called into federal service in response to a call by the president or Congress.
So, why then is the ND National Guard being told they might be called later this year? Well according to an AP News report, the Guard said in a release that their mission would be “transport of personnel and light cargo” within the nation's capital.
Guess that clears that up.
Hopefully, our fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, neighbors, and friends will be able see all there is to see in Washington D.C.