The Very Random Bizarre Thing North Dakota Googled More Than Any Other State in 2016
The real estate blog Estately looked at Google Trends to determine what each state Googled more than any other state in 2016.
Estately has looked at similar trends before. Earlier this year Estately told us what question we are asking more than any other state as well as the D-list celebrities we are googling more than any other state.
Now we have the answer to what North Dakota googled more than any other state. It's not too surprising to see that Minnesotans googled 'Prince' more than any other state or that Michigan (home to Detroit) googled Gordie Howe more than any other state.
Unfortunately, those Google searches spiked following the deaths of both of those individuals.
In other states, other big events got lots of attention such as The Panama Papers, the Islamic State etc.
However in North Dakota, we Googled something very different more than anyone else. In North Dakota, we Googled 'Dirty Grandpa' more than any other state. The search refers to the movie starring Robert De Niro and Zac Efron that was released in January of this year.
It's not clear why North Dakotans Googled this particular movie so much but apparently we did. The movie received an embarrassing 2.8 out of 10 on Rotten Tomatoes.