Bismarck/Mandan Save Cats Lives This Winter With A Cooler Trick!
JUST DON'T PUT A BLANKET IN IT! Although I know you want to...Don't Freeze The Kitty.
As I understand this is the most important tip of them all.
Furry Friends Rockin' Rescue is searching Bismarck, Mandan, and beyond for good condition coolers. The bigger the cooler the better. The sturdier the cooler the better. They're going to invite cats to get in the cooler. This seems wrong- but if you do it right..
Feral cats won't have to stick to your driveway. They can possibly survive thanks to your "cooler trick". Here's what you need...
First off...a larger drill cutter than you probably own. Also, the cooler...gonna need that.
There are very short YouTube videos below to help you through the process.
Here's the key- what you think a feral cat in a cooler would like...is not exactly what is going to help that wild cat wandering around your yard survive the winter,
We're gonna say this again. Blankets are a bad idea. They absorb moisture and freeze. Just like all of us, the only real heat you bring to an enclosure is you...and how conserve your heat. After all, you're the only warm thing inside or outside. One more time...
Pretty simple fixes really.
Here are some how-to videos if you like...please join me afterward here for my electric blanket experience.
Go ahead watch the videos to help and I'll tell the story later.
YouTube channel via Localish.com
This YouTube video from Fox 13 Utah
So here is the story of a sensitive man that I'll call "Larry". Larry realized that one of the feral cats in our neighborhood had been kicked out of the comfortable abandoned trailer "hood" of the local felines. Winter was settling in, and this cat was settling in next to our air conditioners because they could kick in sometimes to cool off our big-tech room coolers.
So what did a Lousiana boy do in North Dakota?
Larry put out a big box alongside our building and opened a second-story window a crack and ran an extension cord out to an electric blanket in the box. It was a bitter winter. Did the cat die? I don't believe so. Did the building burn down? No.
But I suggest straw versus electricity. Lest your building burns down.
Now go customize some coolers in your own neighborhood and save some kittens' paws.
Thank mew.
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