Cloverdale Publicly Apologizes For Mistake With Meats. Apology Accepted.
Son of a gun! Let's hear it for Cloverdale getting ahead of a Facebook spike, Word got out that some batches of Cloverdale products mat have been produced without the "usual" desired results. Which I suspect can happen to any company, and it appears Cloverdale wisely jumped in front of the story and said "I'm sorry".
Here's what makes the Big Mac a legend- consistency. Here's what makes a Whooper delicious- consistency. Here's what made Coke seem vulnerable for the first time- NEW COKE. Lots of brands "tweak" their brands hoping to keep them up to date with modern tastes, This, thankfully is not a story about that. Just a mistake in some seasonings.
So don't go crazy.
At least, I hope not. I'm part of the generation that grew up on Cloverdale summer sausage. You can grab some Miracle Whip and make a sandwich or just cut a slab off the log and protein on.
All of a sudden your childhood red dogs taste different and you automatically assume the "secret sauce" has been changed and your life will never be the same.
Cloverdale wants you to know that while there is ABSOLUTELY no danger to anyone, some of their lots came out less than desirable in the taste department. (just look at the comments! on their Facebook-yuk y'all)
So DO NOT go away- I'm not going to...because I know the only way I'm going to make it to 100 years of age is if I have a tangy summer sausage log hiding in the fridge. Although the Miracle Whip might be outta date.
Stay safe y'all.
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